Friday, February 18, 2011

Sending mails from command line

Sending mails using mail:
mail (mailx is the newer version) is a fantastic program that can be used for sending email from command line or from within scripts.
The following example will send an email to, with subject “Apache is down” and text “Please check Apache at host name of the server”
echo “Please check Apache at `hostname`” | mail -s “Apache is down”
We can cat the contents of any text file, for example, log file and it will be sent to the recipient specified
cat “/var/log/apache2/error.log” | mail -s “Apache is down”
To attach a file, other than a text one, we need to uuencode (unix to unix encode) it before sending
uuencode banner.jpg banner_out.jpg | mail
The banner.jpg is the name of input file and banner_out.jpg is the output uuencoded file that we will be sent by mail.
To have text sent alogwith the attachment, we can cat or echo that text too
(cat /var/log/apache2/error.log;uuencode banner.jpg banner.jpg) | mail -s pic

Sending mails from using mutt:
With mutt, its same as using mail.
echo “Please check Apache at `hostname`” | mutt -s “Apache is down”
or we can cat the contents of a text file to show as body text
cat /var/log/apache2/error.log | mutt -s “Apache is down”

mutt -s “Apache is down”
To send an empty body mail, use an empty line as the mail body:
echo | mutt -s “Software upgrades for `hostname`”
To attach a binary file, its even easier with mutt, just use the -a option
echo | mutt -s “New logo for the company” -a logo.gif
Hope you this tutorial added to your knowledge.

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