Thursday, March 10, 2011

Domain Authentication for Centos,redhat and fedora

1. login as a root to the machine  or else get the root privilege  using " su - "

2. copy the "" package on the Desktop of the user

3.  cd username/Desktop

4. Run the command "sh"

5. type 'yes' to accept the license agreement and installation porcess.

6. check the hostname using 'hostname' command 

7. change the hostname by vim /etc/sysconfig/network 

:wq (save and quit )

8. To make the changes take place restart the network and close the terminal. open a new terminal

9. type 'hostname' to check the hostname is right?
  note:- Make sure that hostname is not there in the Active Directory.

10. domainjoin-cli join ictsadmin 
    give the password...
  note:- You can find SUCCESS If the system is added to the domain sucessfully

11. vim /etc/likewise/lsassd.conf
   uncomment the following line approx:- 81 
eg :- 
    assume-default-domain = yes ( remove the # )

12. Restart the following services to implement the changes
    /etc/init.d/lsassd restart
    /etc/init.d/lwrdrd restart
    /etc/init.d/netlogond restart

13. reboot 

14. will be able to logon to the domain 

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