Sometimes when accessing the Internet, you may notice your connection cuts in and out. This can be frustrating at a minimum and devastating at the worst. So, what can be causing it? If you find that out and fix the problem, you will find your next “surfing” expedition to be smooth sailing. Here are 10 reasons your DSL Broadband connection may be cutting in and out:
- Distance: Speed of Internet access and clarity of connection depend on the distance between your home and the telephone exchange that is providing your service. The further away you are from the exchange the more likely there will be interruptions.
- Equipment at the exchange: Your ISP/telephone company that provides your Internet service, must keep up with the advancing technology, if they have any equipment that would be considered out-dated in this fast-paced technological world, you could have breaks in your connection.
- The Contention ratio: Find out how many other people in your immediate area share the DSL Broadband signal with you. This is the contention ratio. The more people who use the signal means there will be more uploads, downloads and general traffic which can cause connection problems with your broadband DSL.
- Equipment at home: With the amount of power a broadband DSL supplies to your home, you need to make sure your modem and router can handle the speed. Some people have found improved performance of their DSL broadband by trying a different modem or router.
- Broadband contract: If your broadband connection seems slower than you expected it would be, take another look at the contract with your ISP. You might have signed up for a slower version of access. If that’s the case, you can contact your provider and change your contract.
- Phone line: Broadband DSL is fast and if you have copper phone lines that have not yet been replaced by fiber optic lines, you may experience outages in service. Copper lines just can’t handle the speed.
- Extension sockets: Double check your extension socket and make sure it is properly installed. Noise and crackles on the line can result if they are not.
- Junction boxes: In the same vein, you’ll want to double check the condition of the junction boxes outside your house. If moisture gets in there, your modem can be upset and the connection reset.
- Trees: Yes, trees can be a nightmare. When it is windy the branches can stress the line & which in turn will cause crackling and static within the connection.
- Other wireless components: Is it possible that you’re using a cordless telephone and a wireless router? Since they use the same bandwidth, they could be interfering with the connection causing it to slow down, become noisy or cut out.
Once you’ve looked at all the possible causes for the disruption in your DSL Broadband connection, you will be able to take the steps needed to get it fixed.
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